John, also known as "Ed" is survived by his wife, Mildred "Millie" Nissel, 2 sisters, Rose Marie Heikel, and Theresa Sawyer, and 3 brothers, George, Robert, and Frank of Pa.; 3 children: Linda Louise (Nissel) Wilson of Mineral, Va, Kathleen "Kathy" Rose Nissel of Conover, NC, and Thomas Edward Nissel of White Stone, Va. and 12 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great grandchildren. He has also left behind his best buddy, Mr. "T", the family dog. John has touched many lives across the country having traveled full-time in his RV after retirement with his wife searching for the perfect fishing spot which he often said was off the coast of Aransas Pass, Texas. In all his travels, his heart and spirit were in Texas. During his career as an industrial engineer he was employed by David Trout Associates, Hummelstown, Pa., Old Smokey Packing Company, Middletown, Pa, Harrisburg Machine and Welding Company, Harrisburg, Pa., Whitehall Packing Company, Whitehall, Wisconsin., Grillmaster Corp. (Formerly Dukeland Packing Co.), Baltimore, Md., Cleve Farms Packing Co. in King George, Virginia, and Kunzler's in Pennsylvania. There will be a memorial mass 11:00am Saturday January 13, 2018 at Saint Aloysius Catholic Church with lunch and receiving in the church hall after the service. In lieu of flowers or gifts, the family asks that a donation be made to Catawba County Regional Hospice in his name. Donations can be made by phone or by mail to 3975 Robinson Rd, Newton, NC 28658. Phone 828-466-0466.